Friday, June 23, 2006

YQB Jour 6 - Vancouver to Quebec: Power Sightseeing

During my trip from Vancouver to Quebec, I stopped in Sudbury and Ottawa both for logistic reasons and to cram in some sightseeing.

Sudbury is a mining city in Northern Ontario. It started some 1.85 billion years ago, when a giant asteroid hit the region and produced the mineral-rich Sudbury Basin. Today, Sudbury is a major producer of nickel. I visited the mining museum, and the famous Big Nickel. Based on my 10 hours visit, I find the people warm and hospitable, though the drivers aggressive. The town is very spread out, so be prepared to walk a lot.

Ottawa is pretty, and the traffic surprisingly light. I seldom have to wait for cars when I jaywalk. :) Unlike Sudbury, Ottawa is very walkable, and there are many trails along the rivers and canal. After two days of exhaustive power sightseeing, I treated myself to an Ottawa special, the Beaver Tail. It's a fried dough twice the size of your palm, topped with sugar and cinnamon. Yummy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

head eddie..glad you are doing well. Hope you bring home a beaver tail recipe. they sound yummy.